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General Meetings

The shareholders’ right to decide on the company’s affairs is exercised at the General Meeting (Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting), which is the Company’s highest decision-making body.

The AGM resolves, for example, on changes in the Articles of Association, Board and auditor elections, approval of the income statement and balance sheet, disposition of profit or loss, discharge from liability for the Board and CEO, principles for appointing the Nomination Committee and guidelines for remuneration to senior executives.

Every shareholder has, regardless of the size of the holding, the right to have a specified matter brought before the general meeting. Shareholders who wish to exercise this right must submit a written request to the company’s Board of Directors. In general, such a request must be to the Board at such time that the matter can be included in the notice to attend the General Meeting.

The notice to attend a General Meeting shall be published in the Swedish National Gazette (Sw. Post- och Inrikes Tidningar) and on the company’s website ( At the time of the notice, information relating to the notice shall be advertised in Dagens Industri.