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Adenovir Pharma strengthens its patents for the treatment of eye infections

Adenovir Pharma’s patent application relating to its novel compound for the treatment of the serious eye infection, epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC), has been approved by the European Patent Office (EPO). Previously this patent has been approved in South Africa and is in national phase in several key markets. The company´s base patent, which relates to its technology platform, is already granted in important markets such as the EU, USA, China, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong.

Adenovir Pharma is developing a topical drug for the treatment of EKC and recently completed a clinical phase I showing that the drug candidate APD -209 is safe and well tolerated. Every year, millions of people are infected by EKC caused by adenoviruses. Today there is no effective antiviral therapy available. Based on the successful phase I results, Adenovir Pharma is now planning a Phase II study in Europe.

Major investors include P.U.L.S. AB, BWG Holding, Länsförsäkringar Skåne, Sparbanksstiftelsen Skånes Riskkapitalstiftelse and Augmenta.

About epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC):

External ocular infections caused by adenoviruses are among the most common eye infections worldwide. Conjunctivitis accounts for a large proportion of patient visits to ophthalmologists. EKC, is caused by adenoviruses and is a serious and highly-contagious disease. Globally, EKC affects millions of people every year. EKC occurs sporadically and epidemically and is endemic in many regions. The economic and social costs of community EKC epidemics are high. Work places and public institutions, such as schools and day care centres, must be closed when the outbreak of an EKC epidemic is detected. Many productive hours are lost each year as a consequence of the disease. EKC is recognized as a major health problem in affected regions. A pharmaceutical therapy that can be used both to treat EKC and to prevent the spread of infection is highly desirable not only for affected patients, but also for those who come into contact with themand for treating physicians. Currently, there are no approved treatments. Patients with EKC receive no medical therapy other than for symptomatic relief.

About Adenovir Pharma AB:

Adenovir Pharma is a project company of the life science incubator P.U.L.S. AB, based in Helsingborg, Sweden ( Adenovir Pharma is developing proprietary technology for new anti-viral pharmaceutical solutions useful in the treatment of infectious eye diseases. The initial development was carried out by Professors Olov Sterner and Ulf Ellervik at Lund University, Department of Organic Chemistry, in collaboration with researchers at Umeå University, along  with P.U.L.S. and external service providers specialized in pharmaceutical development. The importance of the research carried out at Umeå University on adenovirus receptor molecules that is the basis for the development of the new drug is highlighted in publications in the prestigious journal Nature Medicine and in the equally high-ranking journal Nature Reviews Drug Discovery. Adenovir Pharma is developing a new drug in the form of eye drops for treating EKC. For more information, please visit

For more information, please contact:

Björn Dellgren, project leader Adenovir Pharma: or telephone: +46 707- 455 005. Please also visit